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Here’s an interesting question: how fast will Frasgird grow due to both birth rate and immigration? It strikes me that — absent both enabling technology and some sort of incentives — birth rate per se is going to be pretty low, perhaps at the rate of 5 live births per thousand women per year (which […]
After spending time in the last post talking a bit about what Frasgird isn’t, I think it’s important to talk about what makes Frasgird fun, or at least fascinating, and why people would want to play it. The stakes are, of course, survival — not just personal survival, but survival of humanity itself. There is […]
In Sundog (the game), there were 30 types of cargo that could be transported by the pod (and thus by the ship), plus nothing and cryogens (the ‘green ice’ pods) — 32 types in all (because, binary). Each had an associated base price. Here’s the data from the original game, with the base price for each […]