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Sundog: Frozen Legacy (excerpts)

Excerpts from Sundog: Frozen Legacy (A Frasgird Novel), by Bruce F. Webster (forthcoming) Interlude: In which some things are explained to the reader Once humanity started looking – really looking – at the stars and realized that they could (and did) hold vast numbers of worlds, too, the question came: where is everyone? If humanity […]

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Frasgird: The Game (start here)

Events culminate in a process often referred to as frašgird, the final transfiguration of the cosmos, when the forces of evil (and hence dualism) will be eliminated. — Religions of the Ancient World: A Guide (Sarah Iles Johnston, 2004, Harvard College) Several hundred years ago, forewarned of pending disaster, a fragment of humanity scattered from […]

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Modeling birth rate

Here’s an interesting question: how fast will Frasgird grow due to both birth rate and immigration? It strikes me that — absent both enabling technology and some sort of incentives — birth rate per se is going to be pretty low, perhaps at the rate of 5 live births per thousand women per year (which […]

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Modeling genetic diversity

By on April 10, 2015 in Genetics, Main, Modeling with 2 Comments

One of the factors in achieving the main goal of Frasgird — survival of the human race — is creating a population in the colony with sufficient genetic diversity (and size) to allow it to progress. One of the backstory assumptions is that the various scattered human settlements (almost all of which are on predominantly […]

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