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As mentioned, I have started doing some coding in order to prototype the actual game design and underlying models of Frasgird. I’m going this in NetBeans (and writing in Java). Here’s what the dashboard looks like as of this afternoon (you can click on it for a clearer, larger view): The colony map is the […]
I mentioned in an earlier post the concept of the rings around the core colony being concentric circles. However, I am currently doing some prototyping in Java of the colony modeling code and have been looking at a simpler approach. One involves using 2×1 rectangles forming concentric square rings around the colony core. Here’s what I drew […]
I actually started writing code last night, sitting in Terminal A at SFO Airport, waiting to fly home. This is just exploratory, prototype code, intended to make me think about how to model all this stuff. In this code, I defined the class Colony, which is meant to represent Frisgard itself, but of course can […]
This was the motto for the Internet Engineering Task Force efforts back in the 1990s, seeking to define the various emerging Internet standards. It was stated as a rejection of “kings, presidents, and voting” in defining those standards. While the phrase was coined in a setting of open-source group standard development, I want to repurpose it […]