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Sundog: Frozen Legacy (excerpts)

Excerpts from Sundog: Frozen Legacy (A Frasgird Novel), by Bruce F. Webster (forthcoming) Interlude: In which some things are explained to the reader Once humanity started looking – really looking – at the stars and realized that they could (and did) hold vast numbers of worlds, too, the question came: where is everyone? If humanity […]

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Frasgird: The Game (start here)

Events culminate in a process often referred to as frašgird, the final transfiguration of the cosmos, when the forces of evil (and hence dualism) will be eliminated. — Religions of the Ancient World: A Guide (Sarah Iles Johnston, 2004, Harvard College) Several hundred years ago, forewarned of pending disaster, a fragment of humanity scattered from […]

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Frasgird dashboard / coding update

As mentioned, I have started doing some coding in order to prototype the actual game design and underlying models of Frasgird. I’m going this in NetBeans (and writing in Java). Here’s what the dashboard looks like as of this afternoon (you can click on it for a clearer, larger view):


The colony map is the area on the right. This current prototype assumes a full core ring (the four squares in the middle with a gray background), one “open” ring (the white squares), and a concentric set of unavailable (as of yet) rings (blue squares). For the core ring, H = colony headquarters, F = landing field, W = warehouse, and H = housing.

Right now, I have several directions in which I am likely to go (all of which would be at the simple prototype level):

  • Implement game turn processing for the colony.
  • Create a game-universe browser and start modeling systems, planets, cities, etc.
  • Start some form of trading/economics model.
  • Flesh out the selection of plot developments and allow adding new developments to the colony.

Stay tuned.   ..bruce..


About the Author

About the Author: Webster has been doing game design since 1980, but only has one actual published game to his credit -- Sundog: Frozen Legacy (Apple II, 1984; Atari ST, 1985). This is his second. .

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